Sunday, September 26, 2010

KIds are enjoying with the library

Saturday last week was the happiest day for me. We've opened the library again which we've closed for one month and half during Ramadan for the kids in the community. I was so glad when I saw they enjoyed reading the books. When they read the books and saw new words then they came to ask me the meaning and the way to pronounce it. After that they copy those words in their note books.
I hope I'll get more new idea to make the students enjoy reading the books and come to library every Saturday.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Hopefully I'll get new ideas from all of you. :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته



My name is Soleh Isa, everybody might call me " Soleh ". I was born in 1987 and living in Siem Reap province. My family consists of six people; parents and four siblings and I am the youngest. I am one of the SRMCDO's English sponsored students. I am study at ACE (Australia Center for Education) on 8th RWG-Reading Writing Grammar class.

I am very happy to be SRMCDO's students which I can get opportunity to improve my English and be ready to find good jobs in the future. For the return to SRMCDO and community we will be a volunteer teachers with SRMCDO's vocational program. We will transfer our English skills and knowledge to unfortunate and poor students in our community. We need to educate them at least 15 hours a week in the class.

Through this blog I would like to dedicate my big impression and thankful to all donors to SRMCDO's students and sponsorship program. Specially to my sincere sponsor ( Mr. Rosman Abdullah) from Malaysia. Hopefully all his goodness will be rewarded by ALLAH S.W.T Amen!

As SRMCDO'S students we all have dream to be somebody useful for our family, society ,religion and country. For that reason we expect that we will be able to continue our study to higher level. Then we encourage for all philanthropist to continue to support our student and sponsorship program , INSYAALLAH.

Again thank you to visit my blog if you have any inquiry regarding how you may participate with our SRMCDO's program you may Email at . شكرا (Thank you)